Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Radical Simplicity--Books and Thoughts

Lately, I've been on a reading quest!  I've always been intrigued with the topic of simplicity and organization, because both of these topics DO NOT come naturally to me.  I have to work at them.  I also have to constantly remind myself to keep my eyes on Christ and focus on what I am called to do.  I so often fail. 

Here are a list of some newfound favorites and some oldies, in no particular order (some may be out of print). 

Simplicity Parenting--Kim John Payne
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess--Hatmaker
The Purpose Driven Life--Warren
In My Wildest Dreams--Gail Blanke
Shelter for the Spirit--Victoria Moran
The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Living Guide--Francine Jay
Plain and Simple--Sue Bender
From Deadlines to Diapers--Tamara Allred
Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in our Busy Lives--Muller
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People--Covey
What Happens When Women Say Yes to God--Terkeurst
The Overload Syndrome--Swenson
The Hole in Our Gospel--Stearns 
Your Money or Your Life--Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin
Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth--Merkel (didn't agree with some of his thoughts, especially those regarding large families, but lots to think about)

As I read, I jotted down random thoughts:

Focus around Sabbath, reorganize, simplify, clean out, streamline, say no, use less, make do/do without, reuse, recycle, repair, buy local, work less/share employment, give gift of time, enjoy nature, garden, bike, walk, shop only when necessary, wait to purchase, spend time with God, WWJD?, make possessions last, buy in bulk, use paper plates, PRIORITIZE, stock up, cook double, use pantry method in kitchen, convenience rocks my world, fresh air, fresh food, love homemade, remember joy of sewing, be creative, live simply so others may simply live, laugh!

The quest continues. 

I'll end with a picture of what my new chickens just laid.

That's a lie.  I bought those eggs.

Actually my sister bought those eggs and cooked them for the invasion of our family over Christmas break.

Anyone want to invite us over to their house for breakfast?  My kids don't eat much.  Honest.

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